My Towns
Towns is the new name for Freecycle Groups
Why did we change the name?
What's new
- View Towns in a list or on a map.
- View and search for posts across all of your Towns on your Dashboard.
- Communicate with your Town moderators online.
What hasn't changed
- On Freecycle, a Town can be a single city or town, an area or neighborhood in a large city, or multiple smaller towns grouped together.
- Same names, geographical area coverage, and local volunteer moderators.
- Join multiple Town groups.
- Set email preference for each local Town group.
My Towns
- Click the My Menu icon and select My Towns

- On the My Towns page, click List to see the list of local Town groups you belong to, or Map to see them on our interactive map.
- Click on the name of a Town to open that Town's page.
Town Page