Can't Log in

If you are having trouble logging in, please try the following

Helpful hint: you can use either your username or your registered email address to log in

  1. Clear Freecycle Cookies from your browser: If you receive an error message saying username, email or password is "in use" or is not recognized OR you experience a "loop" back to the login page, you will need to remove Freecycle cookies from your browser. Click here for information on how to do it in popular browsers.
  2. Add this address: to your contact list or address book to prevent mail from Freecycle from being marked as spam in the future and to ensure your password reset email gets to your inbox.
  3. Request a password reset.
  4. Once you have done the above, go to the log in page to log in.

If you continue to have difficulty with login, please click the Contact link at the top of this page and give us the email address you use for Freecycle and the details of what is happening on screen, including any error messages you receive and our Help Team volunteers will be happy to assist.

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