Lend or Borrow items
Now you can lend or borrow items among people you trust-- your Friends
When you make a post to your Friends Circle, you'll see that you have more options beyond just Offer and Wanted: Lend and Borrow
Make a Lend or Borrow Post
- Click the Make a Post button.
- Select Friends Circle.
- The options for Lend and Borrow are now clickable.
- Select Lend or Borrow and fill in the rest of the post fields, including the duration of the loan, if lending.
- When you click the Post Item button, your post will be sent only to your Friends Circle
Manage Lending and Borrowing
Lend an item
- When you receive a reply to your Lend post, agree with your Friend on the start date of the loan.
- On the start date of the loan, find your post in My Posts and click on Manage Post.
- Select Lend Item.
- Select the name of the Friend to lend your item to.
- Select whether you want to send them a message or not. You can edit the text of the message before sending. Your Friend will see the message online in the Replies to Others' Posts section of My Messages. You will see it in Replies to My Posts.
- Your post will now have a message that says "On Loan" with the due back date, based on the loan duration you set.
- Other Friends can still reply to this post but will not see the "On Loan" message.
- You will not be able to loan this item to another Friend until it is marked Returned.
Mark an item as Returned
- When the item is returned, click on Manage Post and select Item Returned. You will now be able to loan it to another Friend.
- If you do not mark the item as Returned by the end of the loan period you set in your post, your Friend will receive a message reminding them to return the item.
Borrow an item
- When you have received the item in your Borrow post, click Manage Post and select Mark as Received.
- This will close the post and other Friends will not be able to reply to it by email or online.