Not receiving Freecycle emails or email settings changed

If you aren't receiving Freecycle emails or the type of emails you receive has changed

It could be because they are being marked as Spam by your email provider. This can happen even if you didn't mark them as spam and you haven't seen any Freecycle emails in your spam/bulk/junk folder. Some email providers do this if the number of emails a member gets from Freecycle meets their defnition of "spam" and will send our system an automated message instructing us to "unsubscribe" the member's email address.

When this happens, our system has no choice but to automatically move the subscription to the next lower level: from one email per post to digest; or from digest to no post emails. If our system continues to get "unsubscribe" instructions from the email provider and the subscription is at the lowest level, the account may eventually be deleted.

Email providers that do this most often include Yahoo, Microsoft (Hotmail, Outlook), and cable companies. One option some members choose is to use a different email provider for their Freecycle account. Gmail is usually a good option, but there are plenty of other free email services out there, too.

First, check your bulk/spam/junk folder

  • If you find Freecycle emails there, mark them as Not Spam, which should move them to your inbox. Don't delete the emails while they are still in your spam folder.

Next, take steps to prevent Freecycle emails from being marked as Spam in the future

  • Add: to your contact list/address book to let your email provider know you want to receive mail from us.
  • If your email program has a "blocked senders" list, make sure is not on it.
  • If your email program provides a way to set up a filter to prevent mail going to spam, create one and add the domain or the domain: You can find instructions for some popular email programs here.
If your email settings have changed,  here's how to re-set them

You can also set your email preferences to receive fewer or no post emails, and do most of of your communication with moderators and other members right on in My Messages.

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